The 2021-2022 Winter Maintenance season is here, and Jacobus Borough Council would like to remind you...
You are required to remove your vehicle from the street whenever a snow emergency is declared. Snow emergencies are announced on your local tv and radio stations along with snow closings. If you cannot see or hear the announcement, please assume that our local areas are calling for hazardous road conditions and you are required to keep your vehicles off of the street. Anyone in violation of this regulation may be cited.
It is highly advised that your property lines are marked with reflective markers to help the winter maintenance crews identify the edge of the street.
Occupants of residences and businesses as well as property owners of vacant buildings are required to clear paved sidewalks to a minimum width of 36-inches within 24 hours after the cessation of the precipitation.
No person shall deposit any snow or ice on or immediately next to a fire hydrant, upon any sidewalk, roadway or loading/unloading areas of a public transportation system.
Note: Should you violate the Borough's local regulations on snow removal, this warrants a citation by our local law enforcement agency and/or subject you to a hearing before the District Magistrate, and if convicted, subject you to fines and related costs.
The 2021-2022 Winter Maintenance Contract for Jacobus Borough was awarded to Easy-Dig Excavating Inc.
Easy-Dig will be plowing and treating Borough roads this winter.
Jacobus Borough 126 N. Cherry Lane • Jacobus, Pennsylvania 17407-1000 Phone (717) 428-1752 • Fax (717) 428-0588 • Email: