Unless otherwise advertised or noted, all Borough Boards meet in the Jacobus Borough Municipal Building @ 7:00 p.m.
Jacobus Borough Sewer Authority Board Unless otherwise advertised, Meetings are held the 2nd Wednesday of each Month.
Roger W. Coleman, Chairman 717-428-1319 Raymond E. Kuhn, Vice Chairman 717-428-2685 Randy E. Thompson, Secretary 717-428-2933 Richard V. Somerville, Treasurer 717-428-1500 John E. Coleman, Member 717-428-0687
Non-Member Contact:
Gene A. Snyder, Financial Recording Secretary 717-428-1558
Jacobus Borough Planning Commission Unless otherwise advertised, Meetings are held the 3rd Monday of each Month as needed only.
Matthew K. Chronister, Chairman 717-428-2787 Steven C. Bentzel, Secretary 717-428-3764 Matthew D. Wise, Vice Chairman 717-428-3520 Thomas J. Schmit 717-968-9771
Jacobus Borough Zoning Hearing Board
Meetings are held upon need only, as advertised.
Kay A. Kuhn 717-428-2685 Dennis Bailey, Jr., Chairman 410-746-0436
Samuel W. Jamison 717-428-3069
and Alternate Member:
Michael H. McAdams Phone # to Come
JLS Recreation Association Board Jacobus Borough Representatives (2) Meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of each Month in the 'old' Springfield Township Municipal Building on the Susquehanna Trail, just south of Brown's Orchards & Farm Markets. Stephen Turner 717-461-4321 or 443-928-0780 William Eshenour 717-428-2531
Jacobus Representatives, appointed by Borough Council, serving on York County Committees/Boards
York County Consortium Regional Committee - Gregory B. Gruendler
- Donald B. Wright, Alternate
Local Government Advisory Board - Donald B. Wright
- Vacant, Alternate
York Adams Tax Bureau (YATB) - Debbie J. Loucks
- Vacant, Alternate
Tax Collection Commission (TCC) - Debbie J. Loucks
- Vacant, Alternate
Communities That Care (CTC) - Council Member Lance Beard
Jacobus Borough 126 N. Cherry Lane • Jacobus, Pennsylvania 17407-1000 Phone (717) 428-1752 • Fax (717) 428-0588 • Email: jacobusborough@verizon.net