Contact Information: Jacobus Borough 717-428-1752 126 North Cherry Lane Jacobus, PA 17407-1000
Please call for INFORMATION on RATES
Penn Waste, Inc. is Jacobus Borough's contracted hauler for Refuse & Recycling Curbside Service. For direct information from Penn Waste follow the links on this page, or call:
Penn Waste's Holiday Collection Information & Schedule Change Notices:
If a collection is missed due to a holiday, collection shall be made upon the next regularly scheduled day.
Holiday notices are advertised in the following papers: York Newspapers, Harrisburg Patriot, Hanover Evening Sun, Delta Star.
6 major Holidays are observed as follows: New Year's Day, Memorial Day , 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas Inclement Weather Policy: Penn Waste broadcasts on the following stations for weather related emergencies: Operation Snowflake: WSBA 910 AM, WARM 103 FM Storm Watch: WHP 580 AM, 97.3 RIVER FM, 94.9 BOB FM, 99.3 KISS FM, WHP TV-21 CBS, WLYH- TV-15, WGAL TV-8
** Please scroll to bottom of page for Penn Waste's Recycling Guidelines
·Scrap Metal Recycling - Use the dumpster available at BEARD'S TOWING, 137 South Main Street, Jacobus, PA.All proceeds benefit the York County Chapter of Red Cross for victims of fire.
·Household Hazardous Waste - Several collections p/year by York County Solid Waste Authority(YCSWA) and are advertised in your local newspaper. For more information call 717- 845-1066 or follow this direct link: HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE
·Electronic Equipment - YCSWA- 3rd Saturday of each month from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. @ its Yard Waste Transfer Facility located off of Flour Mill Road in Manchester Township. The program is available to all York County residents and businesses. For more information click on this direct link: ELECTRONIC RECYCLING SCROUNGE - Call 717-771-8421; E-mail ‘’; This is a student-run program at Penn State, York Campus.
Visit York County Solid Waste Authority's (YCSWA) website for detailed information on waste materials & other topics by clicking on this direct link: YCSWA
Penn Waste Recycling
'Green & Single Stream'
What does this mean for Penn Waste customers?
Paper products may be put in recycling bins with containers. Just be sure paper is covered by heavier material so it doesn’t blow away!
Penn Waste will accept any size of cardboard if it is flattened.
Check out the list below to learn how to recycle successfully.