SOLICITATION ALERT from MET-ED Copied from a Media Advisory issued by Met-Ed on Wed., March 20, 2013
Met-Ed reminds its customers to beware of telemarketers or door-to-door salesman who may be claiming to be our Employees. Met-Ed would like to reinforce some key points about our business and our employees and contractors:
Met-Ed does not engage in telemarketing or door-to-door sales for the purpose of encouraging residential customers to switch energy suppliers.
We may contact customers by phone about your account or service in the event there's a problem with your service. In addition, virtually all visits to customer homes by Met-Ed or our contractors are prearranged by the customer or through a call to the customer.
All of our employees and contractors must carry company issued photo identification. If someone claiming to be from Penelec, Penn Power, West Penn Power, or Met-Ed comes to your door, ask to see this identification. Keep in mind nearly all service employees also wear company uniforms and drive marked company vehicles.
If you ever have any doubts about a caller or visitor claiming to represent Met-Ed, or about the information you are being asked to provide, please call 1-800-545-7738 for verification and remember to call your local police department if things don't check out.
Suppliers licensed by the state may use agents to conduct door-to-door or telephone marketing or sales activities. Their activities must comply with federal, state and municipal laws and regulations.
A Note from Jacobus Borough:REMEMBER, any business or individual soliciting business within the must carry a Solicitation, or TRM (Transient Merchant Retail), License issued by Jacobus Borough. If they cannot produce a license ask them to leave and call 911 to report the matter to York Area Regional Police Department.
Jacobus Borough 126 N. Cherry Lane • Jacobus, Pennsylvania 17407-1000 Phone (717) 428-1752 • Fax (717) 428-0588 • Email: