Jacobus Borough Council is excited to announce York Habitat is building in Jacobus. The Jacobus Build is a great project in which the entire community of Jacobus can come together and work together to help "Build" a new start for a very special family- the Hanlines.
Want to know more about the Hanline family? Click on the "About the Family, About the Build" flyer.
Want to know more about York Habitat's "Women Build" Program or Do you want more Information on York Habitat and What it takes for a family to qualify? Click on the "Women Build 2013 & General Information..." flyer.
Jacobus Borough Council hopes you will join them by participating in the Jacobus Build in whatever capacity you are able. There are many opportunities to help- from serving food to the builders to physically helping with the build; from monetary donations of any size to donations of services,labor or material; from fundraising to organizing committees, and so on.
Contact information for York Habitat is included in the flyers. Call now to see what you can do to help as an individual, business, or more importantly as a welcoming citizen of Jacobus Borough.